Students typically have a one hour lesson once a week in KS 1/2/3. Lessons are possible during school terms & school holidays. Lessons are available on weekdays from 8am through till around 7pm. At weekends I normally teach on Saturdays between 9am and 5pm.
Yes, I am up to date with the recent changes to the curriculum.
Yes. I have worked with/am working with several students with specific learning needs including dyslexia, dyscalculia, and students on the autistic spectrum. I like get to know the student and talk with parents/carers to work out how best each student learns. Maintaining a dialogue with the parents/carers and the teachers of the student helps me to tailor our sessions to their needs.
I have a number of students who have successfully followed / are following the Edexcel, IGCSE Maths and / or Science course with me. There are local schools and colleges who will then accept students as external candidates so that they can take their exams there.
If it is necessary to cancel a lesson, please give as much notice as possible. I also ask that parents, rather than students, contact me to discuss cancellations.
For cancellations at short notice, my policy is as follows:
- For term-time cancellations with less than 48 hours notice the full lesson fee will be payable.
- For holiday-time sessions 2 week’s cancellation notice is required
1st September 2024
Learning sessions are £37.50 an hour.
During each session your child will cover areas of knowledge that require attention as well as practicing course-specific past papers. The methods used to embed the information will be tailored to your child’s individual learning style. The sessions can shadow your child’s current Science / Maths lessons or we can revise past topics as is required. I am always happy to communicate with your child’s teachers at school to ensure that any weak areas are covered as soon as possible.